Let us know what you are thinking!

Understanding each other is only the first step in achieving the end results you deserve. Assuring you that we meet your intended purpose makes our job more purposeful—isn’t that what it is all about?

And avoid the 'Seagull effect, a term we use to describe buying property in a booming market; buyers will buy anything, so be careful who you talk to and make sure it's you they are thinking about!!

Don’t wait until the property hits the market, avoiding the seagull effect. if you have ever thrown a chip at seagulls at your local beach, see what happens. Get your property before someone else takes it from you....No prize in coming second!!

Relax, let us do all the work for you!


QPSelect will guide you every step of the way to assure you're journey is not only  a profitable one, but an enjoyable one, at no extra cost to:


We Access the Best Properties Available:

Your success depends on it!

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Phone      Joe   0439 919 707