Getting it Wrong is NOT an Option!

7 Biggest Mistakes
Property Buyers are making in a Boom Market


As a buyer, understanding the full potential on offer from the property and location you end up choosing is crucial. As they say, "Knowledge is Power" is so true, but in reverse, you have no power if knowledge is unavailable to you. Whether interstate or overseas, most buyers lack the local knowledge that evades them, which is not their fault, this makes them very vulnerable to others trying to promote their products for sale rather than understanding the needs of their buyers first.

Many buyers will get caught up and captured by statics and glossy brochures, which unfortunately can camouflage the true story and hide faults that potential buyers may not be exposed to the trustworthy buyer until it's too late.

If you are not collaborating with an independent representative working on your behalf and your interest only, then all we can say is "Buyer Beware".   


A pre-approval allows you to take full advantage of any HOT buys that may present themselves when you go shopping. Even more evident in today's market as properties being SOLD within hours of hitting the market, with most of the QPSelect  5% properties being claimed well before then.

Understanding your finance limit allows you to make decisions on the spot, but that does not mean you should use your limit and max yourself out. Far from it. We believe and recommend to all our clients; you should always have a buffer. The aim is to absorb the ups and downs common in the property cycle. Planning takes the pressure off and makes the journey of property investing more enjoyable less stressful when you have control of anything thrown at you. 


Accessing all our available options offers you potential properties that you may have never been aware existed.

This is where 80% of property buyers, especially investors, can do so much better. 

Power is knowledge, and knowledge is Power

#4  What are you Looking for:

Live-In or invest: Home buyers fit the category of emotional buyers. This means they want to have a large input in the home design, layout, and location and, in most cases, have a good idea of where they would like to end up. This is not always the case for interstate or overseas buyers who have limited knowledge of the area and builders. Budget is another reason that will dictate a lot when it comes to a final decision. 

#5  Understanding ALL your options:

This is the crucial part of your purchasing cycle, get it right, happy days, get it wrong, welcome to regret

#6 There is no money in Procrastination:

This is the crucial part of your purchasing cycle, get it right, happy days, get it wrong, welcome to regret

#7  The Journey:

Purchasing a property is probably one of the easiest things to do. You get finance then step into any real estate office, and I am sure they will only be so happy to sell you their properties, but is this your property, Good or Bad? Once you commit, you now have entered a long-term relationship with your property, yep, just like a marriage, in for the long-term relationship, good or bad. Your job is to make sure your decision is the right one, agree? We are talking about a 10-to-20-year Journey, don't get it wrong.

Come and join us, Help Us – Help You.

The Next Step Can Be the Difference Between Success or Failure

Expect a call from Joe, no Surprise, just Support and Guidance.

Take Care, Talk Soon